The Rocori High School shooting was a school shooting that occurred in Cold Spring, Minnesota on September 24, 2003. The shooting was perpetrated by then 15-year-old Jason McLaughlin who murdered classmates Seth Bartell, 15, and Aaron Rollins, 17.
On the day of the shooting, McLaughlin brought a loaded .22-caliber pistol to school with the intention of harming Bartell. He confronted Bartell in a basement hallway and fired two shots. The first shot wounded Bartell superficially in the chest while the second shot missed and hit Rollins in the neck. McLaughlin pursued Bartell as he fled into the gym and shot him in the forehead. McLaughlin was sentenced to life in prison for the murders.
One page (front and back) handwritten letter. Letter is general content and is signed in full. Original matching handwritten envelope is included.
Product Code | JMCLAUGH151E |
Condition | New |